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Edtechs - Market size, Opportunities and Growth Ahead

Edtechs the future of Education Twitter Handle: @shuchi_nahar Need for Edtechs In a dramatic shift from the age of gurukuls, the foundation of modern education in India was laid under the British Raj, which led to today’s formal, multiple-layered education structure divided between primary and secondary schools, to graduation, post-graduation, diploma, and distance education courses. While schools are governed by education boards such as the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), institutions providing higher education are governed by statutory bodies such as the Medical Council of India (MCI), the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and The Bar Council of India (BCI). Over the course of time, the informal structure of education has developed its roots parallelly with the formal system. This includes one-on-one tuitions, coaching classes, vocational courses, and technology-based solutions to aid, supplement ...

Ethanol - Demand, Market Size, Opportunities & New Goverment Policies (Part-2)

Ethanol production capacities, impact on Farmers, and Government Plans Twitter Handle: @shuchi_nahar Ethanol was rarely discussed in the country about 7-8 years ago. But now ethanol has become one of the major priorities of 21st century India. The focus on ethanol is having a better impact on the environment as well as on the lives of farmers. India’s requirement of ethanol for petrol blending will increase from 173 crore liters in 2019-20 to 1,016 crore liters in 2025-26. To enable the rollout of ethanol production across India, ethanol may be supplied from surplus to deficit states based on the requirements to ensure uniform availability of ethanol blends in the country. To achieve the Modi Administration’s E-20 blending goal by ethanol supply year (ESY) (December-November) 2025, India would need to procure approximately 11 billion liters (BL) of ethanol for blending with petroleum. As of November 2021, India’s concentrated ethanol production capacity totaled slightly above 6 bi...