
Showing posts with the label behavior finance

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It's important to stay calm while Investing!

How to stay calm ,when markets are not?        Shuchi.P.Nahar Introduction: The stock market volatility has radically increased in recent days and economies are currently passing through a tumultuous period has reflected in all  financial markets and asset classes. The global economic slowdown created a lot of worries in the capital or equity and property market. Business organizations around the world have been affected by volatility in the stock and property markets. In India, fluctuations in the currency market can obstruct the stability in the equity market and hence stock market volatility shoots up. The study of volatility is therefore very important in an emerging market nation like India. Nifty volatility index is also called as India VIX which is treated as India’s volatility Index and is taken as an important indicator of market expectations of near-term volatility. Sometimes investing can feel like flying through a thunderstorm. Lots ...

Importance of Behavioral Finance

Blog 3 Shuchi. P. Nahar Need of behavioral finance in today's market scenario..  As discussed in the previous blog , this blog is in continuation and this will help an individual, industry veteran and beginners to understand the roots of finance , depth of instincts and biases. Link to previous blog for detail understanding.  Behavioral finance came about as a way to explain in a rational way the irrational behavior of markets and investors or, as one acclaimed economist put it, finance from a broader social science perspective including psychology and sociology. Behavioral Finance seeks to account for this behavior, and covers the rationality or otherwise of people making financial investment decisions.  Understanding Behavioral Finance helps us to avoid emotion-driven speculation leading to losses, and thus devise an appropriate  wealth management ...

Is Long-term investing possible in volatile markets?

Weekend Blog 2                                                  Shuchi.P.Nahar "Role of behavioral finance for long-term investing". The basic and most frequently asked question in today's scenario.  Is long-term investing favorable in such volatile market? I s this the right time to take entry or wait ? Will markets fall from here or rise?  Is short-term investing a favorable strategy to make more returns in volatile market?  To all such basic questions to be answered, let's revise what markets probably have made us forgotten in past few months.  "Concept of long-term investing " If short-term investing is about capital preservation, long-term investing is about wealth creation.  Long - term investing is about building the kind of investment portfolio that will provide you with income for later in life, and for the...