Nutraceuticals - The Next Gem of Healthcare Sector
Nutraceuticals - The Next Gem of Healthcare Sector Shuchi.P.Nahar Twitter: shuchi_nahar What is Nutraceuticals? The term ‘nutraceuticals’ was firstly used in the late 1980s to describe food products that have a medicinal benefit. This fast-growing sector includes functional foods (such as vitamin-enriched products), nutritional supplements, sport drinks, and medically formulated foods. Nutraceuticals and its Division Figure 1: The diagram showing the various divisions of Nutraceuticals Scope Nutraceuticals is expected to play a central role in preventative healthcare. The logic seems simple - an ageing population gives rise to lifestyle-related diseases, whose impact can be lessened by making healthier choices earlier in life. This convergence of medicine, food and technology is likely to create a battleground in which food and pharma companies compete for dominance of the sector. Successful companies will have to hit the bullseye in six main areas: techn...