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What is so attractive about CDMO's in Pharmaceutical Companies?

CDMO's to be considered as the next stepping stone for Pharma Companies... Twitter Handle: @shuchi_nahar In recent years, pharmaceutical outsourcing has grown in popularity amongst drug developers across the industry. Companies are increasingly outsourcing to contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs) due to the benefits outside expertise can bring to their business. So, what are the benefits and how are current CDMO market trends shaping? Pharma CDMO's Trends The pharmaceutical industry is expected to be worth $1.5 trillion by 2021. The key trends driving this level of demand for pharmaceutical products include the world’s aging population, rising healthcare standards in developing countries, and expensive breakthrough therapies. This rapid influx of demand means that companies are faced with higher R&D costs and a need to invest in new capabilities. The demand for healthcare and innovative solutions is growing globally with chronic diseases on the rise.

A Masterclass on Global Custom Development & Manufacturing Opportunity

A Masterclass on Global Custom Development & Manufacturing Opportunity  Shuchi.P.Nahar To understand what are CDMO,CRAMS,API etc or what will drive pharma sector growth ?Do read my previous articles for brief understanding.... Link: CDMO Industry Insight The global pharmaceutical contract manufacturing & contract research market size was valued at over USD 123.1 billion in 2016. Cost saving and time saving benefits associated with the implementation of outsourcing is responsible for driving the industrial growth. Companies are investing in infrastructure, pe

Outlook : Pharma Sector by Aditya Khemka

Pharma Outlook by the sector veteran Aditya Khemka Twitter Handle: @shuchi_nahar Pharma business is divided into two models: Domestic  Export  Domestic Model This model is typically like an FMCG business. In domestic markets, those pharma companies that have branding power will have a good pricing power among other competitors. In pharma, doctors are the main customer of the product and the patient is just a consumer. The patient is going to follow what the doctor suggests and he will prefer only those drugs that will be suggested by a doctor, he won't switch to a generic drug if he is not getting the brand prescribed to him. Export Model  This model is basically like a steel business. A demand curve is almost always downward-sloping, reflecting the willingness of consumers to purchase more of the commodity at lower price levels. The pharma demand curve is going to be straight, so the question here is what will determine the price? The answer is simple, supply will determine the de